About Alan

How are things going for you? for your organization?

Are you getting stuck? If so, where?

Where is love beckoning you as an individual? What impact are seeking as an organization?

Where in your life or in your work do you want to cultivate more courage?

Alan is deeply honored to explore these kinds of questions with people whether through spiritual direction, professional speaking, or relational organizing coaching.

Alan’s spiritual direction practice emerges from his 24 years of parish ministry and his formation at three accredited institutions.

As a professional speaker, Alan addresses themes of courage and compassion, conscience and community, curiosity and creativity. He inspires with personal sharing and stories that cultivate hope and courage. He is known for connecting people with their own humanity and the humanity of others. 

His relational organizing coaching is informed by his 12 years of multi-faith community organizing, building bridges through the western corridor of the Chicagoland area across divisions that too often separate us. He actively supports other leaders in learning how to bring together diverse people to address shared challenges and to work together for the common good.

Alan has long answered the call to serve. He chose for high school yearbook quote: “Life is best spent supporting others.” He still lives this, and when he came to understand how systemic oppression impacts many people, he began dedicating himself to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision to build the Beloved Community. Alan’s leadership has been strongly influenced by the contemplative spiritual grounding of King’s mentor, Howard Thurman.

In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.

Howard Thurman

His greatest joys are his two children currently in high school and middle school and his wife of 20 years who grew up in Mexico City. He loves Mexican cooking, art and culture.

Alan participates in the following professional organizations:

Alan’s curriculum vitae is here.